Articles you may Enjoy


Selected from over 160  articles and over  266  blog posts


Here is a selection of some writing that may interest you. For filtering purposes, I have broken them into a few categories, and arranged them with the most recent first (look at the dates). The full set of articles is available on the wayback machine and some newer ones at the Heart of Agile website.

Discussion of Dependency Inversion, Dependency Injection, Dependency Lookup, Configurable Receiver and Inversion of Control


May, 2023



"Dependency" refers ambiguously to a compile-time or run-time dependency. "Inverting" something says to do the "not" of some other, unnamed thing. As a consequence, dependency inversion, dependency injection, dependency lookup and inversion of control are often mixed together in incorrect ways, including in Wikipedia and other expert definitions (!).
Let's work through them all.


PDF here: of dependency inversion etc.pdf



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