Everything Else: articles, vids, Books, Merch ...

Have kombucha / chewing tobacco / coffee / beer / your favorite drink by you as you go down this rabbit hole. 

Here is your doorway to hundreds of links.


The latest Articles

Find the older blogs and articles going back into the 1990s on the Web Archive Capture of the Cockburns.us site.
Here are the more recent articles.

article on crystal

Crystal, the Un-Methodology


Crystal - a "Human-Powered Methodology for Small Teams" - was developed at the same time as Extreme Programming (XP). It's time to go back and look at what still makes it so effective.

article on crystal

Use Case Foundation, with Ivar Jacobson


Ivar Jacobson, the inventor of use cases, and Alistair Cockburn, author of Writing Effective Use Cases, got together to unify, simplify and clarify the definition of a use case. This is that paper.



Selected recent videos, both professional and personal.
Check also what a web search brings up, or Alistair's YouTube channel for more videos.


vid hexagonal

Hexagonal Architecture
Tech Excellence Conference 2024

vid hexagonal

Navigating AI's Impact
goto;Copenhagen 2024

vid history of agile solita

Short History of the Agile Manifesto
Solita 2022

vid agile is for wimps

Agile is for Wimps
COHAA conference 2015

Books and More Books


Including technical and non-technical (poetry, for example) books.
There's a list on Amazon with different versions, different languages. My store has the epubs (along with mugs and t-shirts)


Mugs & T-shirts


No web site is complete without flogging a bit of merchandise. Here's where you find things like the Hexagonal Architecture and Heart of Agile coffee mugs and random items I've made along the way (consider the Normal Is Perpendicular mug, for example, or the t-shirt with a poem in Spanish split front and back).
Your choice. Have fun.

The long Bio & Memes

If you got this far, you might like to see the long history and some of the memes Dr. Cockburn has coined. You may be surprised by how familiar some of these are.

alistair teaching on gray background

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